Thermal imaging equipment extracts crucial details from the night. It supports you in making the right decisions in the dark and in poor light conditions. However, it does not replace experience and skill.
Modern thermal imaging technology is now enabling us to track down, observe, and hunt game even in the dark. These technical possibilities support hunting ethics.

The increasing legal permissibility means we are no longer dependent on the moon. Hunting is now possible practically around the clock. This naturally has consequences for wildlife. The result can be a situation of constant pressure. Thermal imaging devices allow you to detect and observe game even at long distances without disturbing them. Thermal imaging technology allows you to hunt more effectively – which in turn gives the animals sufficient opportunities to withdraw and rest.

In response to increasing instances of damage caused by game and the outbreak of African swine fever, more and more countries are now permitting the use of thermal imaging technology. Rules as to what is and isn’t allowed can vary from region to region. You should therefore always check the applicable legal restrictions in detail. What type of device is permitted for this kind of hunting? Is ownership of the device actually allowed? Are there any differences in use in relation to the game? And what are the legal shooting times? Beyond legal possibilities, always consider the needs of the animals and ethical hunting.

Success depends on your ability to handle stress, and not just in darkness. If you have mastered the tools of your trade, you can avoid mistakes resulting from stressful situations. This includes choosing a firearm you know inside and out. Train with it during daylight hours. Close your eyes and practice. It might sound a bit strange, but it is a great way to learn.

There’s no question, darkness makes it even harder to maintain an overview of your surroundings. After placing a shot, you might not be entirely sure whether the animal fell to the ground right there or – in case it ran off – in which direction it was headed. In such situations, thermal imaging technology can help you reliably detect your prey. The animal’s body will still be clearly detectable for a long time. This feature will be useful during the day as well as in twilight and darkness.