Photography over time has become a healthy addiction for me. Since I was a child, I have always loved nature and animals. I started taking pictures while observing and admiring the underwater world, watching and photographing sharks, manta rays, sea turtles, dolphins and other sea creatures until the day I decided to get out of the water and explore the wildlife on land.

Observing animals
in their natural habitat
Ninety percent of my weekends and free time is devoted to nature photography. But in the city center where I lived, nature is very scarce due to the high presence of people. Thus, I felt the need to move a few miles away from the city to have the opportunity to observe animals in their natural habitat.

In the course of time, I have been able to make experiences that have changed my way of approaching nature and photography. Observing and studying each individual animal helps us to understand its behavior and thus to identify those little moments of distraction that allow you to capture some shots. But deep knowledge about the animals and their behavior is also essential in order to not disturb them and to respect their habits and their habitats. Therefore, it is not enough to have your camera with you, but also something that is handier and allows you to see much further than with your naked eye: a pair of binoculars.

In my backpack I always find space for a pair of binoculars. I never thought that the quality of an optical device would make any difference, until I had the opportunity to try SWAROVSKI OPTIKs CL Companion.
The use of high-quality long-range optics is essential and has changed my life as a photographer. Why? Because the primary mission for a photographer is the observation of nature and animals, and here, the quality of a binocular makes a big difference:
A high-quality pair of binoculars allows you to observe nature even in low light, you are almost able to see in the dark. This is crucial as dusk and dawn are best for observing wildlife.
Another important aspect is the incredible image quality and detail. It allows you to observe a deer as if it was just a few meters away, with all the wonderful details.
And a rugged product with a resistant protective housing can be used perfectly in difficult conditions such as bad weather, rain or low temperatures.

When you try to observe an animal in the wild, it often feels your presence much earlier than you would imagine. You therefore spend hours and hours under a tree, motionless and almost without breathing, in the rain, in uncomfortable positions. But you feel an incredible satisfaction when you look through your binoculars after you perceived a fleeting shadow.

Informazioni su
Giuliano Scarparo
Nato a Padova nel 1991, Giuliano ama la fotografia fin da bambino. Negli ultimi anni si è specializzato in fotografia naturalistica. Le sue foto sono state pubblicate in varie riviste, tra cui Digital Camera, Foto Cult e Outdoor Photography, che gli ha dedicato una copertina.
“Il mio obiettivo è sempre stato quello di catturare momenti unici e indimenticabili. Quando osservo la fauna selvatica, trovo sempre situazioni che catturano la mia attenzione, che si tratti di uno sguardo o di un movimento sorprendente. La fotografia naturalistica riesce sempre a trasmettere emozioni uniche, che rimangono impresse nella mia mente. Questo è ciò che cerco di comunicare nei miei scatti.”
Instagram: @giulianoscarparoph
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Volete osservare la meravigliosa fauna selvatica e immergervi nella natura?
Non dovete poi andare troppo lontani. Le più belle scoperte si fanno spesso proprio dietro l'angolo. Abbiamo chiesto al nostro team di Nature Explorers di raccontarci le più belle esperienze che hanno vissuto vicino a casa.
Chissà, forse anche tu scoprirai una natura inaspettata e stupefacente proprio dietro casa o nella tua prossima avventura all'aria aperta!