This avoids unnecessary, irritating distractions, leaving you free to focus entirely on the essentials. The intelligent SWAROLIGHT automatic switch-on/off timer allows you to activate the thermal imaging device silently from sleep mode with no unnecessary movements. Adjustment of the brightness on the display to the prevailing light conditions is also automatic. All these features reduce your movements in the dark to a minimum.
When out stalking, the tM 35.2 allows you to detect game even at long distances. You can then take all the necessary precautions as early as possible and make the right decisions. You can start straight away, by using the tM 35.2 to scour the terrain on your way to the raised hide in the morning. After all, it’s still dark and there is always the risk of unintentionally scaring the game off. Even in open space when there is already sufficient light for a shot, it allows you to observe animals moving in the terrain. This saves time and allows for a safe approach.
The tM 35.2 is not just a valuable companion in twilight and darkness. Animals can often be overlooked when stalking in daylight. The thermal imaging device helps you to detect the game.

tm 35 .2
With the tM 35.2 , hunters can count on proven SWAROVSKI OPTIK quality. A thermal imaging observation and clip-on device with modern thermal imaging technology in one, for impressive enhanced vision and responsible hunting at dark.

tM 35.2
Together with SWAROVSKI OPTIK rifle scopes, the tM 35.2 offers a powerful combination for 100% reliable point of impact. Make the right decision, take the perfect shot.

tM 35.2
Key benefit at night: automatic switching on and off thanks to tilt sensors and intelligent brightness adjustment mean that once activated, the tM 35.2 is immediately ready for use at any time.
As a thermal imaging clip-on device with 1x magnification, it impresses with its absolute accuracy. Its quick and simple activation ensures you are ready to take an expert shot at any time. The upward facing battery compartment allows straightforward placement on the rifle scope in darkness. Another advantage: the tM 35.2 and your SWAROVSKI OPTIK rifle scope form one reliable, complete system that requires no sighting in.