a retrospective





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Ihre Sprache:
The ingenuity of a hunter and chef - Nikolaj Juel Recipe: Jamaican Chamois Curry - spices The ingenuity of a hunter and chef - Nikolaj Juel Recipe: Jamaican Chamois Curry - spices The ingenuity of a hunter and chef - Nikolaj Juel Recipe: Jamaican Chamois Curry - spices

a retrospective

Bringing „the wild to the table”

Lesezeit: 3 min.

#wild2table is bringing the gifts of nature from the wild to the table. From ointments over burgers to curries and even cookies – there’s so much you can do with your harvest.


A delicious #wild2table season

Here are some of the highlights of our #wild2table ideas:

  • Marmot healing ointment by Barbara Hoflacher from Austria

  • Jamaican chamois curry by Nikolaj Juel from Denmark

  • Game meat burger by Markus Sämmer from Germany

And don’t forget:

you can even create cookies with wild boar lard. Check out Barbara Hoflacher ’s

Wild Boar Lard Nuts

Sharing culinary delights

However, the realm of bringing the gifts of nature “from the wild to the table” bears endless opportunities. We would like to spread the wisdom and let as many people as possible know how to enjoy the harvest. So share your idea today and join the community.

So share your idea today and join the community.
Hunting can heal 07 oil ID: 1117100
Let the bar­be­cue sea­son com­mence! - game meat burger - Markus Saemmer (c)www.studio-steve.de
The ingenuity of a hunter and chef - Nikolaj Juel, Jamaican Chamois Curry - pot, cooking