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Inventive talent

The art of viewing

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“People have two eyes for a reason. You see more. You appreciate more. It’s a greater viewing experience.” Dale Forbes, Head of Strategic Business Development at SWAROVSKI OPTIK


探索BTX双目 单筒望远镜发展背后的故事,一项让行业彻底改变的突破性发明。质量保证部门的负责人弗朗茨·埃勒(Franz Erler)谈到了我们最初决定试水观鸟市场并开发 AT80的那个时候。公司战略业务发展主管戴尔•福布斯(Dale Forbes)表示,用创新方式提供令人难以置信的光学性能,使观察体验更加完美,这一初衷激励我们制造了双筒望远镜。开发工程师塞巴斯蒂安•瓦赫特斯穆特(Sebastian Wachsmuth)和工艺开发负责人马丁•加夫尔(Martin Gabl)讲述了我们在设计和生产 BTX 时面临的技术挑战。

Swarovski Optik Miracle of Migration Birding ATX BTX Spotting scope
Listen to the tale of the world’s first binocular with wrap-around grip – the EL – as told by Franz Erler, Head of Quality Assurance. Although originally developed by SWAROVSKI OPTIK for the birding community, the EL binoculars quickly gained popularity among hunters too thanks to their light weight, swift focusing mechanism, and easy handling, as Daniel Rotter, Head of Test and Measurement knows. Thanks to the EL’s high complexity, it took our competition quite a while to catch up.
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