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In the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants.  Reed, sunset and the Baltic Sea in Zingst, GermanyIn the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants.  Reed, sunset and the Baltic Sea in Zingst, GermanyIn the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants.  Reed, sunset and the Baltic Sea in Zingst, Germany

Essential for all life on earth


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In the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants



大自然展现出许多令人印象深刻且壮观的“光的神秘”之处:日落、北极光、彩虹和海市蜃楼,总是让我们沉迷其中。威廉·施华洛世奇(Wilhelm Swarovski)对恒星发出的光特别着迷。事实上,这位业余天文学家对光的痴迷甚至促使他产生了要设计一架望远镜的想法,以便让观星变得更专业。他以这种方式为1949年建立的公司奠定了基础,该公司现在已经闻名全球:施华洛世奇光学公司。

This everyday yet mysterious phenomenon was even recognized by UNESCO when it made 2015 the International Year of Light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants, yet it is still a mysterious, uncharted phenomenon.
In the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants in Africa.



关于光现象的第一批论文可以追溯到古希腊,亚里士多德和柏拉图等伟大的哲学家对此都做了详细的研究。希腊人的发现后来被阿拉伯学者所借鉴。伊本·艾尔-海什木(Ibn al-Haytham)(亦称阿尔海桑)在他的《光学书》中发表了一篇论文,这篇论文在数百年的时间里始终是这一课题的标准著作。他的结论是,视觉包括进入眼睛的光线。

文艺复兴时期,莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)(发明了研磨凹面镜和透镜的机器)、弗朗西斯科·马若利科(Francesco Maurolico)(发现眼球晶状体工作原理的第一人)和乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·德拉·波塔(Giovanni Battista della Porta)(发现与年龄有关的远视和近视可以用镜片矫正)等博学多才的学者在光学领域树立了重要的里程碑。


Erich Hofer, Hunting in Hungary, Z8i, light landscape ID:1117111
Landscape with mountains and sun ID:1230592
Light as a metaphor for knowledge

It is not only in the natural sciences that light is an important research field, tool, and catalyst. It has also shaped the cultural development of human civilization. The humanities, cultural
studies, art, and religion – no other natural phenomenon has had such a dramatic effect on our understanding of being and consciousness. From a philosophical point of view, the history of mankind can also be seen as an everlasting battle against the darkness. Stories and pictures use light as a way of explaining good and evil.

In the beginning there was the light. Light is essential for the survival of humans, animals, and plants

Swarovski optik’s view of light


Methods of manufacturing long-range optical equipment have steadily advanced. In our offices and factories, expert engineers and craftspeople design and produce devices in glass, metal, and plastic taming light. Still today, people are fascinated by light and optics.

Take everything you need for a one-day adventure and enjoy the fact that your wildlife viewing equipment is well stored and protected in the SWAROVSKI OPTIK backpack.

Swarovski Optik creates awareness of the beauty of the world

Clarity of vision

By striving for optical perfection and pushing the boundaries of the technically possible, we end up with products that achieve our aim of focusing the eye of the beholder on what really matters. Suddenly we see things that would otherwise have remained hidden. A premium optical device allows us to see what may otherwise have been invisible – it literally brings light to the darkness.

Increasing people’s awareness of the beauty in our world, encouraging them to observe nature, and capturing the whole spectacular spectrum of light: Welcome to the world of SWAROVSKI OPTIK!