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Press releases
March 01, 2019Sustainability

SWAROVSKI OPTIK and Holly banish plastic cups from the workplace

Traditional Tyrolean company SWAROVSKI OPTIK and coffee systems supplier Holly are committed to pursuing a sustainable corporate strategy. Holly, based in Hall in Tyrol, is striving to reduce plastic waste by gradually converting its coffee machines to paper cups. The success of this strategy is reflected in the example of SWAROVSKI OPTIK – in 2018, the Absam site slashed its consumption of plastic coffee cups by 92%.

For SWAROVSKI OPTIK, the appreciation of nature is an essential part of its company philosophy. This is reflected in its exemplary environment-friendly production and long-term commitment to selected wildlife and nature conservation projects. Since its beginnings in 1976, Holly has built a successful business based on a commitment to regionality and the environment.

Carina Schiestl-Swarovski, Chairwoman of the Executive Board at SWAROVSKI OPTIK, explains: “Our aim is to awaken people’s interest in nature, so that they learn to love it. Because when you love something, you look after it. As a company, we have a duty to be sustainable in our actions – both large and small. Because everyone can play their part.”

SWAROVSKI OPTIK has worked with Holly since the start and was the company’s first customer to replace plastic cups with recyclable paper cups in all its coffee machines. Now SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s 760+ employees can also bring along their own cups to fill with a hot beverage from Holly. 20% of Holly’s customers have had their machines converted so far. With millions of coffee cups being used in the Tyrol, it is possible for the region to save more than 90 metric tons of plastic a year. Holly’s CEO Bernhard Peskoller says the company is aiming to convert all its machines to the new system by 2020.

Carina Schiestl-Swarovski adds: “But going beyond that, it’s important to take further steps to reduce plastic. For example, for the last two years we have been packaging our salads, fruit, smoothies, and sandwiches for the snack machines in cellulose or compostable corn starch. This year, we will be replacing all disposable packaging for sugar and coffee creamers. We know there is still a lot to be done. As manufacturers, inevitably we leave a carbon footprint, but we are working tirelessly to minimize it.”

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