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11 febbraio 2021New website

Platform for nature lovers

Informative, inspiring and versatile - this is how the new SWAROVSKI OPTIK website presents itself. On, the Tyrolean family-owned company presents a beautiful world of nature experiences for hunters, birder, and nature lovers. The manufacturer combines them with a comprehensive range of services related to its high-quality product portfolio. Emotional content merges with classic e-commerce elements. The premium binoculars, spotting scopes, and rifle scopes do not only form an integral part of diverse stories from the three target groups, but are also presented with all their features and technical details in the modern e-shop. In this way, content and commerce elements merge into an exciting overall experience. Users can enjoy browsing in both worlds and dive into the SWAROVSKI OPTIK brand with all its fascinating facets.

In addition to the latest content, the site boasts new functions, a user-friendly structure and an appealing design. The focus lies on the user. Thanks to a clear and intuitive navigation, visitors can reach their goal in just a few clicks. Regardless of end devices and bandwidths, all functionalities work always and everywhere.

This innovative implementation required a completely new page architecture. It consists of many microservices linked by interfaces. In the background, a cloud solution ensures that the system can be flexibly adapted to new requirements or expanded with new functionalities at any time.

Customized services for the different target group create added value. The SWAROVSKI OPTIK customer portal is integrated into the website. MYSERVICE provides users with a comprehensive knowledge database containing a wealth of information on products, technical services, tips, and care, as well as tutorials and operating instructions. In MY ACCOUNT, customers can register their products, process orders, or register equipment for repair.

"Our goal with is to deliver an exciting brand experience. The platform is the central point of contact for SWAROVSKI OPTIK customers and interested parties worldwide. The modern technical architecture also enables us to respond to regional requirements and local preferences in terms of content – which means that we can optimally satisfy the needs of our users around the world," says project manager Hans Nilsson, explaining the new website. The website went online in 6 languages and 13 country versions at the end of 2020. Bright IT, a Tyrolean company, was won as an implementation partner. The communications agency Gruppe am Park (GAP) based in Linz, Austria, was responsible for the design. Commercetools and Contentful acted as technical system partners.

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