Clear views on driven hunts


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AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, TirolAFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, TirolAFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol

Clear views on driven hunts

with the AFL anti-fog lens

Driven hunts mean excitement, tension, and absolute concentration. A clear view of the wild boar is vital at crucial moments. So it was just as well that I had an AFL anti-fog lens with me on my last driven hunting adventure…

At the break of dawn, the guide takes me to the driven hunt stand that was assigned to me when we drew lots the previous evening. Low fog shrouds the treetops, the forest floor is damp, and the air is fresh. When I breathe in I can literally smell the forest, and when I breathe out my breath mists in front of me. The guide briefs me and then accompanies another hunter to the next stand.

AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol - Kathrin standing between trees ID: 1632945
AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol AFL Deckel wird gerade geöffnet ID: 1632951
AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, RB AFL, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol - Battery change ID:1632931

I immediately set up my equipment as quietly as possible, picking up my firearm, opening the objective lens cover, switching the AFL anti-fog lens on, and opening the eyepiece cover too. I set the magnification adjustment ring on the rifle scope to simple magnification then position the firearm and familiarize myself with the field of view through the rifle scope. This allows me to memorize the limits of the shooting range to ensure a margin of safety even in fast-moving situations.

AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol

I go through the movements

of picking up the firearm

and positioning it as quickly as possible. After a few repetitions, the sequence is smooth. I then load my firearm and make sure it is uncocked and the safety engaged before placing it beside me within easy reach.

Using the EL Range TA, I scour the area ahead of me. I can clearly see the animals as they move around and I memorize important details, such as the broken branch in front on the right that will temporarily conceal the moving game. I also measure distances to key points and visualize how I can take a safe shot in these places.

AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol


My confidence grows. Thanks to the AFL, I know I will have a clear view through the rifle scope in any situation. Even if I need to react quickly, with the AFL I’m always ready.

AFL, Anti Fog Lens, Z8i, Herbst, Gnadenwald, Tirol - drivenhunt Kathrin ready to shoot looking through the rifle scope ID: 1632942
K13 61f01cacc5 Schwarzwild 80cm
I can already hear sounds of beaters and dogs.

Cries of “wild boar!” resonate through the forest. The previously undisturbed tangle of blackberry bushes starts to move. My adrenalin surges.

For more exciting stories of driven hunts, browse our #drivenbyhunting articles.

K21 AFL 01 Solo RGB Transparent
Swarovski Optik Riflescope Z8i Throw Lever
TLthrow lever