A great way to discover the world around us as well as wildlife in a relaxed and welcoming way is to travel with experienced and knowledgeable guides. With a variety of weekend getaways and day trips to interesting wildlife destinations, but with a focus on easy access, the Birding Vacation tours are designed to satisfy everyone from beginning birders to experienced naturalists. Group sizes are small, creating a more intimate wilderness experience. Enjoy access to premium SWAROVSKI OPTIK equipment while learning from and enjoying your surroundings.

Ecuador is located within one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth. This is the tropics at its best, packed with exotic birds, and an abundance of colorful species like tanagers, toucans, and plentiful hummingbirds at the many feeders we will visit. While the tropics can seem daunting and confusing, the easy access to birding sites on this tour and skilled guides taking time to introduce the many odd bird groups on offer make it simple. A few days as an extension in the high Andes offers both dramatic scenery and an opportunity at Andean Condors too.

Costa Rica
While it may be on the beaten track, the outrageously beautiful quetzals, great lodges, and friendly people are just some of the reasons why people return to Costa Rica repeatedly. This tiny Central American country has far more than its share of beautiful scenery, not to mention a rich assortment of birds unequalled by any other country its size. This short tour takes in the top birding spots in comfort and style and is timed to maximize your vacation time. The easy trails, great lodges, and fantastic birds make this a great introduction to the addictive wonders of Neotropical birding.
Arizona, USA
Arizona is well and truly on the beaten track; out-of-state and foreign birders and photographers alike have been streaming into the state for decades. For good reason! The southeastern corner of the state offers a delectable set of enticing birds, many of which reach their northern limits here. Treats like Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans), Spotted (Strix occidentalis) and Elf Owls (Micrathene whitneyi), Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae), Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons), and Five-striped Sparrow (Amphispizopsis quinquestriata) are hard to resist. Photographers will enjoy the cooperative nature of most of the birds mentioned above. And finally, Phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) and Olive Warbler (Peucedramus taeniatus) are likely to provide entirely new bird families for many. And who can resist a roadrunner? Beep-beep!

THE WARBLER TOUR - 3 States, 30+ Warblers
Spring migration in the eastern United States is an epic avian phenomenon, where undoubtedly the main attraction among the hordes of migrants are the eastern warblers. This tour has been designed to look for them all. It is the ultimate one-stop-warbler-shop, while picking up lots of other migrant and resident birds along the way. The tour starts in Kentucky where southern warblers like Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii), Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis formosa), Hooded Warbler (Setophaga citrina), and Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) occur. Moving to Ohio, Yellow-throated (Setophaga dominica), Prairie (Setophaga discolor), and Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are shoe-ins, and a trip to world-famous Magee Marsh is sure to be one of the highlights. The high-profile Kirtland's Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) will also feature during the final leg in Michigan.
Australia is a massive draw to birders and photographers alike, as not only does it offer hundreds of new birds for first time visitors to the continent, it is also characterized by easy birding and photography. Targeting some rare species as well as many common spectacular Australian endemics, many photo opportunities are sure to arise, whether it be seabirds on the Great Barrier Reef, or tame wild parrots and bowerbirds at O’ Reilly’s to a variety of stunning fairywrens peppered throughout the trip. And let’s not forget kangaroos and wallabies, platypus, koala or echidna.

Our Partner
Tropical Birding
is an international tour operator specializing in birding, nature, and nature photography tours. They have been in business since 2001, and ran over 150 tours in 2019; the list of incredible destinations and types of trips in over 70 countries is growing. All trips are led by expert guides who are passionate birders, naturalists and expert photographers. Some of the tours are fast-paced trips that target every possible endemic, whereas others are more relaxed with a stronger focus on other wildlife or cultural activities. For more please check the tour overview and itinerary to see if a trip is right for you.