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Charles Post RostCharles Post RostCharles Post Rost

Where Wildness Still Remains

Wild Røst

What our planet needs – perhaps now more than ever – is a reimagining of our place in nature. Let’s reconnect and find a new perspective on how we see ourselves within the ecosystems that sustain us and how we treat wildlife, such as birds, trees, and solitary bees. If you look closely, you’ll find

we are not separate from nature; we are a part of it.

The way we see ourselves within nature, and the actions we take, matter. If you've ever planted and nurtured a tree, you understand the significance of preserving ancient forests - the Earth's lungs. If you've watched flocks of birds traverse the autumn sky, you know why protecting their habitats is essential. What is a spring without a skein of geese overhead or the cry of the curlew drifting from May meadows?


Discovering Røst: A Bird Haven in the Arctic Circle

These wild places that sustain our planet’s biodiversity exist because people value them beyond any shortsighted, profit-driven alternatives. Saving and restoring these places begins at the grassroots level. Plant a seed and nurture it. Advocacy is a long game, but the rewards are immense.

Now, consider Røst—a wild, windswept haven for birds amidst the Arctic Circle’s rugged seas and distant corners. This remote outpost beyond the shores of Norway’s Lofoten archipelago offers a glimpse into a world where skies still teem with birds. Røst is home to vast colonies of gannets, puffins, razorbills, gulls, kittiwakes, shags, cormorants, guillemots, and Arctic terns. Here, their cries, chatter, and calls create an uninterrupted symphony of nature.

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The Magic and Hope of Røst’s Bird Cliffs

Røst’s isolation and the wild seas that surround it are its strength, preserving a window into the wildness of the past. Perhaps it is the remoteness and ruggedness that serve as a barrier, preserving this almost avian paradise. I say "almost" because bird populations, even here, are in a downward spiral.

And yet, to the untrained eye, you can hardly imagine what it must have looked like in the past when the great cliff faces were blanketed in nesting seabirds. Today, many of those cliffs are empty and eerily quiet. Climate change, shifting ocean conditions, and bird flu are among the drivers of these declines. In a world where bird populations are diminishing, Røst remains a beacon of hope—even with its declining populations. To see the skies still full of feathered wings reminds us of how much we have to save.

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Røst: A Sanctuary for the Soul

Living in the Lofoten Islands, I feel a deep connection to these landscapes and the wild seas that seem to fill the horizon at every turn. But Røst, in its isolation, is truly magical. The bird cliffs are a spectacle that fills the spirit with awe and hope. If you’re in need of a reminder of what wonderful and wild biodiversity remains, Røst is a place well worth the adventure to visit and experience.

Røst is more than a bird haven; it's a sanctuary for the soul, a testament to the enduring power of nature. Here, above the Arctic Circle, at the edge of the earth, we find a refuge not just for birds but for our spirits, reminding us of our role in protecting this fragile world.

Out and about in the Marin Headlands, San Francisco - Charles Post ready to take a look through the SWAROVSKI OPTIK CL Pocket binoculars

About the Author:

Charles Post

is a Norway based ecologist, Explorers Club Fellow, and award-winning filmmaker with a love for birding and exploring the outdoors with his wife, Rachel Pohl and their Samoyed, Mr. Knute. Following nearly a decade of field work and studies at U.C. Berkeley, earning his bachelor and master’s degrees in ecology, Charles embarked on a creative journey, spanning topics from the decline of kittiwakes in the Norwegian arctic to the beauty and fragility of migrating raptors across North America.

For more information and fascinating adventures visit his Instagram account:  @charles_post.

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