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The essence of us all - Love of nature

At SWAROVSKI OPTIK, the love of nature has always been at the heart of our business. Our purpose is to inspire people to love and care for nature. What we want is for people to discover the world’s beauty with our premium sport optics and be able to enjoy those precious moments. Having started with a strong customer base in hunting, SWAROVSKI OPTIK has evolved over the last decades.

Today, we are active in three target groups: hunting, birding, and outdoor. All of them are of equal value to us and they have one crucial thing in common: a deep passion for nature. Although the individual approach and motivation for their passion may vary, we appreciate and celebrate these different branches of the same tree. We focus on the common ground uniting hunters, birders, and outdoor enthusiasts: the wish to cherish and protect nature.

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Charles Post walking with his dog up in the mountains

Charles Post

Sustainable nature experiences

How do you behave responsibly in the great outdoors and treat nature with the respect it deserves? Charles Post, Montana-based ecologist, nature lover, birder and hunter, compiled a list of 5 useful tips and tricks on how to help protect nature when out and about.

Check them out!
Hunter in the forest. As responsible hunter, Patrick Hundorf from Germany treats deer with care and respect. Meat harvested through hunting (game) is an ethically correct, sustainable, local, and high quality food source

At the heart of hunting

Respect for nature

We have a clear position towards hunting. We support hunting if it is carried out sustainably, responsibly, and legally. Read more:

Meat harvested through hunting (game) is an ethically correct, sustainable, local, and high quality food source. Deer and calf in the forest.


Hunting protects and preserves

Many people ask us how hunting and loving nature go together. At SWAROVSKI OPTIK, we believe that the answer is quite simple. In an interview, Carina Schiestl-Swarovski shares her insights.

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Meat harvested through hunting (game) is an ethically correct, sustainable, local, and high quality food source.

a sustainable food source

From the wild to the table

We are of the opinion that meat harvested through hunting (game meat) is an ethically correct, sustainable, local, and high quality food source that is superior to many other means of meat production, and it encourages the mindful consumption of meat.

However, #wild2table offers many more opportunities to enjoy the gifts of nature. Interested? Then explore our #wild2table world.
