Binoculars reveal details that are hidden to the naked eye. This allows us to discover nature’s incredible beauty and diversity. By taking a closer look and mindfully observing, we can see the interactions that ensure that ecosystems remain balanced and healthy in the long term. Biodiversity makes a valuable contribution in this respect as it maintains the basis of our existence.
As a visionary company, we are already looking ahead to tomorrow. We feel it is our duty to care for the environment, protect nature, and preserve biodiversity.
Biodiversity is an important part of our sustainability actions: in our local area and worldwide. We are convinced that each and every one of us can make our own contribution to biodiversity. At our company’s premises, we have installed green roofs and planted a 460-square-meter (5,000-square-foot) bee- and insect-friendly wildflower meadow. We are also taking positive action to conserve endangered species all over the world.

A 460-square-meter (5,000-square-foot) bee- and insect-friendly wildflower meadow at the company’s premises in Absam, Tyrol.
Companies in particular have an important responsibility to recognize their own interaction with the web of life and to act appropriately in a considerate and sustainable manner. The map below shows our worldwide commitment.

The importance of biodiversity
Nature is infinitely complex – a closely woven web of strands connected to and dependent on each other. This “web” is the pattern for our world where everything belongs together as diversity and relations are the foundations of life on our planet. One leads to the other; one facilitates the other. This also means, unfortunately, that the destruction of even a small species has an impact on the large whole. The more components disappear, the less resilience the whole ecosystem will have. If individual components of an ecosystem disappear, e.g. an animal or plant species, some functions of the ecosystem will be lost. The web has fewer strands and is susceptible to additional “holes".
SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s aim is to continue weaving the web of life with imagination, courage, and a great deal of personal effort in all its diversity of patterns, colors, and forms.
Our sustainability efforts are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.