Global Birdfair 2024
Guided Walks
Join us for our exclusive guided walks at Bird Fair on Saturday, July 13th and Sunday, July 14th at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. We are thrilled to have Dan Rouse and her team supporting the walks. Each walk is limited to 15 children to ensure an engaging and educational experience. Each child will receive a MY Junior for the duration of the walk and will receive a surprise bag after the little birding adventure.

Global Birdfair 2024
Service Tour + TAs Tripod Adapter Integration
Get a firsthand look at our comprehensive service offerings and learn how we keep your equipment in top shape. We also offer the possibility of enhancing your gear with our latest TAs tripod adapter upgrade.
Durant la première année (de juin 2024 à juin 2025), l’adaptation des jumelles NL Pure est gratuite pour l’achat d’un TAs adaptateur trépied SWAROVSKI OPTIK. Pour cela, les preuves d’achat du TAs adaptateur trépied ainsi que des jumelles NL Pure doivent être transmises à notre service clientèle, directement par le client ou par l’intermédiaire du revendeur spécialisé.