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#gobirdingvlog Episode 7

Spring Bird Sounds

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#gobirdingvlog Episode 7: Spring Bird Sounds

It's spring and many birds are singing! In the new episode of the #gobirdingvlog, ornithologist Leander Khil explains the differences between songs and calls. Tips and tricks on how to identify birds by their songs included.

Sounds interesting? Then watch the vlog:

#gobirdingvlogs by Leander Khil B/ - #gobirdingvlog Episode 7: Spring Bird Sounds Schilfrohrsänger by Leander Khil
mauritius images 07650097 Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
#gobirdingvlogs by Leander Khil B/ - #gobirdingvlog Episode 7: Spring Bird Sounds Kleiber by Leander Khil
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#gobirdingvlog Episode 6: Austrian Alps- Bergpieper / Water pipit by Leander Khilby Leander Khil#gobirdingvlogs Время чтения: 15 мин.