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#gobirdingvlog Episode 5:


00:00 / 00:00
“The steep trail quickly reminds me of my first encounter with the Horned Guan. I considered it the most demanding search for any bird in my life. This opinion won’t change today.”Leander Khil, ornithologist

The Horned Guan in the cloud forests of Guatemala is a sight to behold.
Those who want to venture up volcano Atitlán are in for a strenuous yet unique adventure. Leander Khil took on the challenge and went searching for the “winged unicorn” together with two local guides.

Dive into this tropical adventure and watch the video above.


#gobirdingvlog Episode 5: Guatemala - Get a closer look with SWAROVSKI OPTIK EL binoculars

Get closer to nature’s precious gems with the EL.