How to invent a smart rifle scope


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How to invent a smart rifle scope

Ingenuity fitting into the smallest space

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Since 1949, SWAROVSKI OPTIK has been inventing, designing, and manufacturing long-range optical products of the highest precision for demanding users. We stand for visionary thinking, quality, courage, respect, and love of nature. It makes us very proud that our innovations have repeatedly revolutionized the industry.

To give innovations the time and space they need sometimes means to let ideas ripen for almost twenty years. Sounds like a fairy tale? Yet, it was true for the invention of the dS digital rifle scope. Its predecessor LRS put SWAROVSKI OPTIK at the vanguard of smart optics and paved the way for ingenuous excellence.

Dietmar Menges, Development Engineer, recounts the bravery lying in inventing the first digital rifle scope, the LRS. To take the next step in smart technology, all experts from mechanical and optical design as well as electronics and software engineering had to work closely together, as Martin Leitner, Vice President Research & Development, knows. Project Manager, Michael Socher, underlines the comfort it means for hunters when range finding and adjusting the ballistic turret is done by pressing just one button. Learn what challenges System Engineer, Mario Dohr, and his colleagues faced when designing and producing the

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dS Gen. II

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Learn more about how SWAROVSKI OPTIK invented the EL Range, binoculars that precisely measure distance and angle.
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