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Видеодостаточность: 17 мин.

Film presented by SWAROVSKI OPTIK


00:00 / 00:00

“El Observador” is a short documentary following wildlife cinematographer Austin Alvarado and explores his relationship with nature via his work pursuing black bears in Far West Texas. It is a visually stunning journey through the Big Bend region that highlights the incredible resilience of bears that have returned to this area. "El Observador" is a Modern Huntsman film presented by SWAROVSKI OPTIK.

Austins optical equipment: CL Companion 8x30 binoculars, an ATX 85 spotting scope and a CCT tripod with a CTH compact tripod head.

SONA Video: Black bears in Texas /B/O - key visual
SONA Video: Black bears in Texas /B/O
SONA Video: Black bears in Texas /B/O image with product

Behind the scenes

© All photos by Natalie Rhea and Scott Del Vecchio
SWAROVSKI OPTIK Gear collection, Outdoor Jacket, SC Cap, Mountain T-Shirt, NL Pure
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