A hunter’s calling


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A hunter’s calling

What motivates people to hunt

Woods and snow from above, Tannheim

Hunting has become a calling for many. Eva Erlacher and Mina von Mengden are enriching the hunting scene with their fascinating way of life. As passionate hunters, they have gained a deeper understanding of nature, the circle of life, and the preciousness of our natural heritage.

However, they all started their journey to become the inspiring people they are today in different ways. Find out how Eva Erlacher and Mina von Mengden got into hunting.

Hunting is a part of my life and embodies the ecological life I am trying to lead.Mina von Mengden

At the age of 22, I deeply enjoyed travelling and journeyed to far away countries as often as I could. Not only did I get to know other cultures and their customs, but I also got a sense of the value of food. The people I met did not have much. Still, I was mesmerized by the stories, experiences, adventures, and the prey they brought home.

I was so captivated that I wanted to learn more about our planet. My goal was to provide food for myself in a conscious and independent way knowing where my daily bread came from. Unfortunately, there was a lot of resistance and contempt in my circle of friends. So, I started with something less controversial and got my fishing license.

My hunting teacher and mentor, who is my husband today, showed me what hunting meant and how exhausting it could be. Step by step, with each time we went stalking or hide hunting, my will to become a huntress grew stronger. Until I finally got my hunting license. I met new friends and realized quickly that I was not alone with my views on hunting as a conscious way of life

No matter whether I am outside, teaching hunting law at university or writing articles on the legal framework of firearm possession at my desk – hunting is on my mind 24/7.Eva Erlacher

I was born and raised in a small town in Carinthia, Austria, with nature being just at my doorstep. We spent a lot of time in my family’s alpine hut. Hunting was therefore something I knew. I was also familiar with farm life, milking cows, and making cheese from my family’s farm. I guess I just am a country girl.

However, hunting was not something I aspired to do in my childhood. Only after graduating from college did I get my hunting license. At the time, I thought it would be nice to share this hobby with my dad, who had had his license for a few years, but never really went hunting on his own. Roaming the woods together while we were staying at the family hut seemed like a great opportunity to spend some quality father-daughter time.

Furthermore, I had a strong desire to learn more about the local wildlife. I wanted to know when roe deer was breeding, so there would be fawns, or when the bucks would shed their antlers.

Unfortunately, I am not one of those people who just grab a textbook and start to study. The hunting exam was a welcome motivation, helping me to really memorize the fascinating details and learn the basics about hunting and wildlife. Plus, I really enjoyed the courses and the shooting training.

As soon as the local hunting club in Carinthia got whiff of my freshly started hunting career, they took me under their wing. They showed me what hunting meant in real life and took me from theory to practice. It was a great pleasure for them to teach somebody they had watched to grow from a toddler to a huntress. Going hunting together where I grew up was beautiful and enriching for all of us. It is still my favourite place to hunt – at home.

By taking responsibility and treating nature with care and respect, both huntresses serve as ambassadors and role models to the next generation of hunting enthusiasts.
Eva and Mina, Tannheim

Nature is calling us all. Some feel her attraction sooner, some later. However, once we have fallen in love with the beauty of Mother Earth, we cannot turn back. It becomes our duty to do everything in our power to preserve the natural beauty surrounding us. Sustainable hunting is one way to contribute to protecting biodiversity and habitats.

Perfectly equipped for your next hunting adventure:
EL Range TA 10x42 Swarovski Optik
EL Range (with Tracking Assistant)GROUND-BREAKING PRECISION
K21 OJ Outdoor Jacket m front DSC1660 RGB 4MB
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