how the dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert



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The fun of exploration – how the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert 
Imagine you are taking a walk through a natural park with your friend. It is your first time here and you are not familiar with all the birds and mammals present.The fun of exploration – how the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert 
Imagine you are taking a walk through a natural park with your friend. It is your first time here and you are not familiar with all the birds and mammals present.The fun of exploration – how the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert 
Imagine you are taking a walk through a natural park with your friend. It is your first time here and you are not familiar with all the birds and mammals present.

how the dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert

The fun of exploration

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos

It is your first time here and you are not familiar with all the birds and mammals present.

The fun of exploration – how the dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert - You are lucky to spot several birds and animals with the SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG.

You are lucky to spot several birds and animals with the dG.

The fun of exploration – how the dG turns everyone into a wildlife expert B/ - Firecrest ID:1312281
Sqirrel mammal K21 mauritius images 03936959 CMYK
Making the most of your dG and Merlin Bird ID ID:1362765

Thanks to the linked apps, Merlin Bird ID and Wildlife ID app, you are able to identify a common Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) and a least weasel (Mustela nivalis) and document your sightings.

Making the most of your SWAROVSKI OPTIK dG and Merlin Bird ID, two women sitting

Together with your friend, you learn more about these fascinating species.

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And remember:

Stay curious.