Change of leadership at SWAROVSKI OPTIK



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Press releases
March 31, 2022Change of leadership at SWAROVSKI OPTIK

Mag. Carina Schiestl‐Swarovski moves to the Advisory Board after 16 years as CEO

With 210 million euros in sales (+27%), 2021 was the most successful year in the company's history, Advisory Board appoints management team internally from proven managers

After 16 successful years at the helm of the world's leading manufacturer of high‐precision sports optics, Mag. Carina Schiestl‐Swarovski, the current Chairwoman of the Executive Board, will move to the Advisory Board of Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG. and the Advisory Board of Tyrolit Schleifmittelwerke Swarovski KG as of April 1, 2022, succeeding her mother. The management of the Tyrolean family‐owned company will be taken over with immediate effect by the current management team of SWAROVSKI OPTIK DI Andreas Gerk (Spokesman of the Board), Mag. Stefan Hämmerle, and Mag. Thomas Saller. This was decided by the Advisory Board of Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG. at its meeting today.

Under the leadership of Mag. Carina Schiestl‐Swarovski, the turnover of the Tyrolean family business has almost tripled. In 2021, with 210 million euros in sales (+27% compared to 2020), the most successful business year to date was recorded in the company's more than 70‐year history.

The Chairwoman of the Executive Board sums up: "SWAROVSKI OPTIK has set new standards in the sports optics industry with a wide range of innovations. As a company with strong roots in Tyrol, we operate sustainably and with vision for the love of nature. With our premium standards, we stand for durability and longevity over generations. Our goal was and is to continue to grow sustainably in order to safeguard jobs and to continuously increase the value of the SWAROVSKI OPTIK company. The fact that a proven team has now been appointed by the Advisory Board is a strong sign of continuity and competence. I would like to thank all employees for their commitment and loyalty and my family for the trust they have placed in me. I am looking forward to my new tasks on the Advisory Board at SWAROVSKI OPTIK and Tyrolit. Special thanks go to my mother, who has put her heart and soul into her work over the past 30 years for the benefit of all."

"Under the management of Mag. Carina Schiestl‐Swarovski over the past 16 years, SWAROVSKI OPTIK has developed into an extremely profitable part of the Swarovski Group and a showpiece of the local economy. The highly successful strategic course set during this time was due not only to the company's innovative strength and highly motivated employees, but also to a prudent management team. She hands over an excellently organized and highly successful company to a management team that is familiar with Swarovski Optik and has a proven track record. On behalf of the Advisory Board, I would like to thank Mag. Carina Schiestl‐Swarovski for her commitment and dedication," says the Chairman of the Advisory Board of Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG. Dr. Christoph Swarovski in praise of the achievements accomplished by the outgoing managing partner.

In addition to sustainability, SWAROVSKI OPTIK's corporate strategy focuses on the love of nature. The company pursues a clear mission to inspire as many people as possible to appreciate nature and to treat it as a guest with respect. The company's high regard for nature is also expressed in its exemplary environmentally friendly production and in its sustainable commitment to selected nature conservation projects. Surprising customers with innovative products, opening up new markets and target groups, and driving digitization throughout the company are the goals SWAROVSKI OPTIK has set itself for the future. Innovative strength, high standards in product quality and longevity, as well as sustainability will continue to be the cornerstones of the company's success.

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SWAROVSKI OPTIK, headquartered in Absam, Tyrol, is part of the Swarovski group of companies. Founded in 1949, the Austrian company specializes in the development and manufacturing of long‐range optical instruments of the highest precision in the premium segment of the market. The binoculars, spotting scopes, rifle scopes, and optronic instruments are products of choice for demanding users. The company’s success is based on its innovative strength, the quality and intrinsic value of its products, and their functional and esthetic design. The appreciation of nature is an essential part of its company philosophy and is reflected commendably in ist environment‐friendly production and its long‐term commitment to selected nature conservation projects. The turnover in 2021 was 210,4 million euros (2020: 163,5 million euros), with an export ratio of 91%. The company has around 1,000 employees.

Contact & information:

Karl‐Heinz Zanon

Phone: +43 676 6200092

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