Global Bird Weekend 2021



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Global Bird Weekend 2021

A great feat for birds worldwide

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) pokes its head out of its nest hole in Costa Rica. Glenn Bartley

What a great weekend we had!

The Global Bird Weekend, which took place on October 9-10, 2021, was a full success. October Big Day was joined by nearly 33,000 birders from 195 countries who submitted more than 78,024 checklists and recorded over 7,269 bird species.

Incredibly, this is quite likely the record number of bird species ever observed on a single day!

This year’s global team consisted of more than 800 eBirders in Africa, 2,000 in Asia, 2,500 in Europe, and 5,300 in Central and South America. These tremendous efforts showcase the power of birds to bring people together.

eBird Team SwarovskiOptik, Global Birding Weekend 2021


We are proud to report that our SWAROVSKI OPTIK team did a fantastic job, with 2,116 species recorded and 447 submitted checklists. In the teams ranking, we took first place when it comes to the number of different species observed. 

How awesome is that? EXCELLENT job, everyone! Thank you for your valuable contributions!

We are already looking forward to next year's Global Big Day in May and the Global Bird Weekend in October and can't wait to have you on board with us again.

Birding Live on Location

In the course of the Global Bird Weekend, we invited you to join a group of passionate birders while they were birding live from different locations all over the globe. Check out the fascinating broadcast from 18 locations in the USA, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Scotland, England, Spain, South Africa, India and Sri Lanka.

Watch all LIVE Birding session on Facebook, or on YouTube.

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