#gobirdingvlog episode 12:





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#gobirdingvlog episode 12:

Crane Migration at Lake Neusiedl, Austria

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#gobirdingvlog episode 12: Crane Migration at Lake Neusiedl, Austria

On Lake Neusiedl, Austria, a natural spectacle unfolds each year: the impressive crane migration. During the autumn months, thousands of cranes gather along the shores of this idyllic lake before embarking on their journey to warmer climes. The spectacle of these majestic birds, traversing the sky in perfectly synchronized formations, is a breathtaking experience not only for bird enthusiasts. Austria’s Lake Neusiedl and the Seewinkel region become a crucial resting and gathering place for these compelling migratory birds, whose characteristic calls fill the air, creating an unforgettable atmosphere.

Join ornithologist Leander Khil into the world of crane migration at Lake Neusiedl and let the beauty and grace of these fascinating birds enchant you.

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Swarovski Optik Spotting Scope ATX 85mm
Swarovski Optik Binocular NL Pure 10x42
NL Pure 8x42Seien Sie eins mit der Natur
Leander Khil with the compact SWAROVSKI OPTIK ATC spotting scope

Über den Autor

Leander Khil

ist Ornithologe, Vogelbeobachter und Tierfotograf aus Graz, der jetzt in Wien lebt. Angetrieben von seiner Liebe zu Vögeln, Abenteuern und der Natur bereist er seit seiner Kindheit die Welt. Derzeit arbeitet er mit dem Filmemacher Mario Kreuzer an einer TV-Dokumentation über den Vogelzug.
Web: www.leanderkhil.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/leanderkhil

Instagram: www.instagram.com/leanderkhil

Weiter zuÜbersicht alle Geschichten
#gobirdingvlog Episode 6: Austrian Alps- Bergpieper / Water pipit by Leander Khilby Leander Khil#gobirdingvlogs Lesezeit: 15 min.