As a passionate hunter, Wolfgang Schwarz, a product manager at SWAROVSKI OPTIK, knows all the factors you need to consider when choosing your thermal imaging device.
Check the local laws!
The tM 35.2/tM 35+ is a hand-held thermal imaging device that can be converted to a clip-on device using an adapter. Please observe the legal requirements in the country of use. Contact your hunting association for precise information.
Consider the type of application:
Do you plan to use the device only for observing and detecting?
Will you be using it only in the hide or would you like to use it for stalking too?
How far do you want to shoot?
Which is more likely: Will you be shooting in daylight or twilight?

It is a good idea to check out your existing equipment:
Can the thermal imaging clip-on device be used with your existing firearm-rifle scope combination (open sight, barrel/rifle scope distance, silencer)?
Are you planning to purchase a rifle scope as well? To increase the all-round usability of your firearm, opt for a combination of the tM 35.2/tM 35+ and a rifle scope with a 42-mm objective lens diameter and a correspondingly large field of view.
Do you intend to put together a firearm for use exclusively at night that won’t be used to shoot during the day?

If you want to cover the widest possible field of application:
The tM 35.2/tM 35+ is a safe bet. Together with a SWAROVSKI OPTIK Z8i 1.7-13.3x42 P or Z8i 2-16x50 P, there is practically no situation you won’t be able to tackle. This combination offers a complete system that is ready to use at all times.