Gunnar from hunting_iceland tried the new 115-mm objective module on his BTX spotting scope in Iceland. Read the interview and find out how this combination came in handy when stalking reindeer and why optical quality makes such a difference.
What was your #seetheunseen moment with the 115-mm objective module?
On a recent reindeer hunt, the fog really messed up our plans. When the fog finally lifted, we spotted a herd of reindeer miles away on the bottom of a valley through our BTX spotting scope with the 115-mm objective module. Patience and optical quality made us successful in our hunting efforts.

How did you feel when you spotted the animals?
We were relieved, happy, and excited – all at the same time. Even though we had a full day of hard work in front of us, where things could go sideways easily, we now had located the reindeer herd and could plan our stalk accordingly.
For which hunting challenges is the 115-mm objective module the best choice?
Long distance scouting for either big or small game. Perfect for glassing from either a basecamp, hunting cabin or a vehicle. Having the advantage of superior optical quality when searching for game allows you to become more successful than ever before. Being able to scout valleys, ridges or mountain tops from a long distance can save you a lot of time when planning your approach. You simply become more effective.
What are the advantages of the 115-mm objective module in your opinion?
The first thing I noticed was the outstanding performance in low light conditions.
Another thing I must mention is the clearness and image resolution. I haven’t seen anything like it before. We were able to see the tiniest details from very far away.
What would you tell a friend about the 115-mm objective module?
It’s something you’ve never seen before. Words can’t do it justice. You must experience it yourself. The 115-mm objective module is on another level entirely.
Thank you for your time.

About the interviewee:
Gunnar Guðmundsson
Gunnar was born into a family of hunters and harvested geese for Christmas dinner at the age of nine. Together with his wife Alma, they make their living as ambassadors for a hunting outfitter and as arctic fox hunters. For the young Icelandic family, hunting is not just about access to the cleanest food sources or the thrill, hunting is a conscious way of life.
Find out more about Alma and Gunnar’s world at or follow them on Instagram:
How to choose the best spotting scope?
Let Alma tell you in this YouTube video.