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SWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging TX EncounterSWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging TX EncounterSWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging TX Encounter

Advantages of our thermal imaging devices at a glance

Ready for the dark?

Darkness poses a real challenge for hunting skills. Suddenly, we hear, smell, and feel everything much more intensively than in daylight. Because at night, our natural vision only allows us to perceive shadows. So, it’s good to know that there are eyes for the night: thermal imaging devices. They make the invisible visible. As well as allowing us to hunt in the darkness, they also make nocturnal stalking expeditions very special experiences.

At night – just like during the day – certainty, trust in your own abilities, and absolutely reliable equipment are essential. SWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging devices impress with:

  1. flexible use as clip-on and hand-held thermal imaging devices,

  2. 100% point of impact guarantee without sighting in,

  3. optimum image quality with low latency,

  4. easy, intuitive handling, and

  5. total reliability and durability

K24 TX Encounter NZ96452 CMYK

Our promise:

the best complete package

Thanks to tailored clamp adapters, our thermal imaging devices instantly transform analog SWAROVSKI OPTIK rifle scopes into thermal imaging rifle scopes. As a perfectly coordinated complete system, they extend the hunt from day through to twilight and into the night. Optimum performance and user friendliness are guaranteed at all times, day and night. From the product through to service, top quality and total satisfaction of our consumers are our priorities.
When developing our thermal imaging devices, we focused on the needs of hunters. We have listened carefully and created suitable solutions that not only meet their requirements and expectations, but exceed them.

100% point of impact without sighting in

I don’t want to have to sight in my thermal imaging clip-on device too. It needs to be as easy to attach as possible and quickly convert my analog rifle scope into a thermal imaging rifle scope. The fewer steps required and the quieter the process, the greater my chances of hunting success.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK guarantees a 100% reliable point of impact. In combination with our rifle scopes and the appropriate clamp adapter, the result is a complete and stable system that requires no additional sighting in.
Tip for the TX Encounter: Purchase our quick adapter as well as the clamp adapter. This fast-clamping system will allow even quicker and easier assembly. It will help you instantly switch from a hand-held to a clip-on thermal imaging device, quietly and smoothly.

Flexible Use as a clip-on and observation device

I need to be equipped for every eventuality. I don’t know what awaits me out in the terrain. Will I still be shooting in fading light or even darkness? Will I catch sight of game on the way to the raised hide or will it appear later?

Flexible use is an important focus for SWAROVSKI OPTIK. As combined hand-held and clip-on thermal imaging devices, our products impress with their versatility. Allowing you to hunt at night with peace of mind. Observe, judge, take aim, take a safe shot... Whatever you do, high-quality thermal imaging devices will help you turn night into day and practice your passion ethically 24/7.

K24 TX Encounter NZ93890 CMYK litho copyK24 TX Encounter NZ98687 CMYK-2x copy

Optimal image quality with low latency

I don’t want to just detect game at night, I want to be able to judge it too. To do this, I need a precise sharp image that allows me to identify the animal and its surroundings as clearly as possible. As safety is top priority, I also want to know whether I have a clear line of fire or if there is anything that could potentially deflect my shot, for example, branches. And I want to see what’s happening precisely as it occurs.

Our thermal imaging devices provide an attractive high resolution image that allows you to immediately identify the important details. The high-quality image impression is achieved thanks to the devices’ excellent imaging processing capabilities combined with subsequent digital processing of the image. We have also managed to keep the latency low, which is a huge advantage for quick targets in particular. As thermal imaging clip-on devices tailored perfectly to the rifle scopes, these practical tools offer an ideal viewing experience – at any time of the day or night.

Easy, intuitive use

My equipment needs to be easy and intuitive to use. At night, it is particularly important that I can operate my equipment practically with my eyes closed. The quicker and more precisely I can take aim, the greater my chances of success. Reducing movements and potentially distracting noises to a minimum is the objective. My thermal imaging device needs to be ready for use when I need it.

Our thermal imaging devices provide an attractive highresolution image that allows you to immediately identify the important details. The high-quality image impression is achieved thanks to the devices’ excellent imaging processing capabilities combined with subsequent digital processing of the image. We have also managed to keep the latency low, which is a huge advantage for quick targets in particular. As thermal imaging clip-on devices tailored perfectly to the rifle scopes, these practical tools offer an ideal viewing experience – at any time of the day or night.

K24 TX Encounter NZ95611 CMYK litho heller copy

Absolute reliability and durability


I want equipment I can trust at all times. It needs to work reliably whenever I need it. I don’t want to have to worry about sensitivity to cold or battery life. I need to be able to decide and act according to the hunting situation. My hunting success should depend on my skills and not on the readiness of my equipment.

Quality is priceless. Reliable premium products provide the best possible support at all times out in the terrain at night. The cold is no problem. Our thermal imaging devices can easily handle temperatures as low as -20°C (-4°F). A long battery life is a priority in development. The power-saving sleep mode is also activated as soon as the device is moved to a mainly vertical or horizontal position (SWAROLIGHT). This allows you to easily hunt right through the night.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging tM 35+
SWAROVSKI OPTIK thermal imaging TX Encounter

At SWAROVSKI OPTIK, we know exactly what hunters need. In our thermal imaging devices, we combine our optical and mechanical expertise, perfected over decades, with digital thermal imaging technology. The result is a range of premium products that perfectly meet the requirements of today's hunters and provide reliable support for hunting. Our focus is not on the image alone, but on an immersive experience. This enables an authentic hunting experience that goes beyond the visual.

Are you ready for the dark?

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