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High humidity, cold temperatures, the absolute tension of a hunting situation – and fogging of the eyepiece lens on your rifle scope. SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s new anti-fog lens (AFL) is the first innovative hardware solution on the market that reliably prevents this from happening. The hunting accessory will be available from selected retailers and online at swarovskioptik.com from December, 2021.
The weather, shooting position, breathing, and clothing can all cause fogging of the eyepiece lens on the rifle scope to a greater or lesser extent. SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s AFL solves this problem by heating the eyepiece lens to keep it clear. After activation, the AFL ensures a clear view in a maximum of two minutes. This allows fast reactions even in adverse weather conditions – a crucial benefit on driven hunts in particular.
The accessory is compatible with all SWAROVSKI OPTIK Z8i, Z6(i), and dS models. It stands out with its user-friendly mounting. A rechargeable battery provides the energy to heat the eyepiece lens. The AFL is mounted directly on the eyepiece and is suitable for both right-handed or left-handed users. The integrated eyepiece cover provides additional protection from weather influences. Weighing just 120 g (4.2 oz) including the rechargeable battery, the AFL is extremely light.
Technical data on the product and prices are available at http://swarovs.ki/afl-press.
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