Let’s explore the wildlife right at our doorstep.
We’ll be sharing some video clips featuring this great pastime. The mini-series will cover different topics:
Your garden: a birding hotspot
Birdsong: a free concert with special meaning
Nest building: construction à la wildlife
Young birds: from fledgling to adult
and so much more…
Here’s the first video teaching you how to get started with Garden Birding.
But – careful – you might get hooked.
Stay tuned at #gardenbirding to watch the entire series.
Or tune in via Facebook LIVE on our Swarovski Optik Birding channel to join birders across the globe birding live.
And remember:

Leander Khil:
Leander works in many ornithological fields and has written a field guide of the birds of Austria ("Vögel Österreichs"). Accompanied by his EL 42 binoculars and BTX spotting scope, he goes birding at Lake Neusiedl – Seewinkel National Park several times a week.
For more information visit his Instagram @leanderkhil and Facebook accounts.