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Staying cool under pressure

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Staying cool under pressure can be very challenging. Especially when you are a responsible hunter who would like to place a precise shot.
Excellent equipment will help you, but it is the person behind the muzzle who needs to take the right decisions. The hunter has to decide when to release the shot and when better to abstain from doing so.

In June 2019, a group of hunting enthusiasts gathered in Tuscany to hone their shooting skills and learn how to better master stress in challenging situations. Under expert guidance, the participants trained stance, breathing, concentration, and focus.

Hunting Summit 2019, TuscanyHunting Summit 2019, Tuscany
Hunting Summit 2019, Tuscany
Hunting Summit 2019, TuscanyHunting Summit 2019, Tuscany

We believe that practice makes perfect, thus we invite everyone to keep training their skills. In the words of Philipp Zerfass, combined game shot:

If you prepare well for the hunt, you will enjoy it a lot more, because you won’t have to worry about correctly executing the shot anymore.Philipp Zerfass
Vai a Panoramica di tutte le storie
2019 huntingsummit PhilippZerfass 05Padroneggiare l’elemento umanoCome l’addestramento al tiro aiuta ad andare a bersaglio con un colpo pulito e perché i tiratori ben addestrati possono godersi maggiormente la caccia Tempo di lettura: 5 minuti
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