in Belgium


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!!! Driven hunting in Belgium H/ - Stefaan Rotthier!!! Driven hunting in Belgium H/ - Stefaan Rotthier!!! Driven hunting in Belgium H/ - Stefaan Rotthier

in Belgium

Driven hunting

Dive into the world of driven hunts in Belgium. These occasions are exciting events that bring the local hunting community together. Here are some impressions…

In Belgium, driven hunting has a long tradition.

social method of hunting, hunters from different hunting grounds come together to assist their neighbors

As it is a social method

of hunting,

hunters from different hunting grounds come together to assist their neighbors. Good planning, coordination, and signaling is vital for a driven hunt’s success.

The beaters and their dogs are responsible for pushing the game out of the thicket towards the shooters.

The beaters

and their dogs

are responsible for pushing the game out of the thicket towards the shooters. In the aftermath, they also track down wounded game if any injured animals fled from the scene.


To be clearly visible to your fellow hunters, you wear orange clothing on driven hunts. Why not keep in style and also prepare your meal dressed in this vibrant color?

Z8i 0,75-6x20 Driven hunting in France ID 1087338
Fascinated by driven hunting H/ - Max Busenius K17_Z8i_0,75-6x20_Drueckjagd_DSC0358 (ID 1087339)

Once the shooters have taken their stand, the tension rises and the heartrate increases. 

When will the first wild boar appear?

Are you all set for your next driven hunt?

Check out the following rifle scopes plus accessories that will make your next driven hunt an even more enriching experience:

Swarovski Optik Driven hunting in France Z8i 0,75-6x20 Riflescope


Les défis que comporte la chasse en battue nécessitent une puissante lunette de visée pour pratiquants experts, à l’image du modèle Z8i 1-8x24. Son champ de vision exceptionnel vous assure de garder une vue d’ensemble de la situation à tout instant. Son système optique parfait offre un excellent confort d’observation, tout en assurant l’acquisition rapide des cibles.


Ideal for driven hunting - Large field of view for optimum overview - Excellent mid-range accuracy.

K21 AFL 01 Solo RGB Transparent
Driven hunting in Belgium - Stefaan Rothier - Driven hunt posts

Driven hunt


like this one offer a better overview and extra security, as you can shoot downwards. The shooter can move around freely to follow the moving game.

Driven hunting with the Z8i 0.75-6x20 H/ - Stefaan Rotthier forest

When reaching your position

as a shooter,

it is advisable to measure out certain landmarks around you so that you can better estimate the actual distance and speed of the passing animals, with the EL Range TA e.g.

As Stefaan also covers longer distances when shooting, he opted for a Z8i 2,3-18x56 (with, BTF, SLP and TL). His EL Range 10x42 helps him to correctly measure how close or far away the game is. Thanks to Stefaan Rotthier for sharing some insights into driven hunts in Belgium with us!

Check out his Facebook or Instagram account.