SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute


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Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust, SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall InstituteChimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust, SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall InstituteChimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust, SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

Making chimpanzees visible

Since 2020, SWAROVSKI OPTIK cooperates with the Jane Goodall Institute. A manufacturer of premium optics and an organization that supports the protection of chimpanzees: How does this match? Discover how binoculars can help and make a difference in protecting wildlife.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

What the Jane Goodall Institute stands for

The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization which aims at the protection of the remaining chimpanzees in Africa. By supporting initiatives that safeguard chimpanzees, improve research, and educate people, the Jane Goodall Institute wants to prevent these animals from extinction. They are convinced that everything is connected, and everyone makes a difference.
SWAROVSKI OPTIK supports the Jane Goodall Institute since 2020 and provides binoculars, which find use in different projects. To inspire people to love and care for nature is part of SWAROVSKI OPTIK’s purpose and vision.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

The Jane Goodall Institute

Which projects are supported?

The Jane Goodall Institute supports various projects, including sanctuaries for injured animals as well as initiatives to remove snares and efforts so sensibilize locals.
In the following we present three concrete projects to you, in which SWAROVSKI OPTIK products help to make a difference.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

The Jane Goodall Institute

Kibale Snare Removal Programme

The main focus of the Kibale Snare Removal Programme is on detecting and removing snares in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. This also includes involving and educating local communities and actively seeking for snares and removing them. Whenever a captured animal is found, it will be freed and given further care, if needed.
Snares are often placed in trees; therefore long-range optics are a valuable instrument to detect the snares that would be invisible for the naked eye.

BCCP Chimp Monitor Vincent using Swarovski binoculars 25.5 - Bulindi Project

The Jane Goodall Institute

Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project

The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project focusses on restoring the natural habitat of the chimpanzees. Bulindi is part of a forest corridor in Uganda that combines two major habitats of the chimpanzees. For researchers it is an important place to learn more about the behavior of the animals. Between 2006 and 2014, however, over 80 percent of the forest had been destroyed. The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project was then introduced to protect the remaining chimpanzees. Part of them now live on unprotected forest patches on agricultural grounds. The project aims at fostering the peaceful coexistence of humans and chimpanzees that live outside of the protected areas.

SWAROVSKI OPTIK & the Jane Goodall Institute

The Jane Goodall Institute

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

The Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is located on Lake Victoria, Uganda. It is one of the oldest projects that the Jane Goodall Institute has been supporting until today.
The main purpose of this special place is to give a home to orphaned chimpanzees. Most of them have been rescued from poor conditions or were found on airports and markets due to illegal trafficking.
The animals are looked after by care takers, volunteers, researchers, and veterinarians. This is where binoculars play a significant role: With long-range optics, the chimpanzees can be watched from a distance long enough not to disturb the sensitive animals.
Visitors have the opportunity to watch chimpanzees in a save and natural environment, plus: Ngamba Island is an interesting spot for birders, too.

Binoculars and wildlife preservation projects

Whether to watch animals from a save, non-disturbing distance or to detect snares in the trees: Binoculars are an indispensable and valuable item for researchers and care takers. For visitors, on the other hand, they open possibilities to see incredible wildlife in a natural habitat, right in the middle of it, without disturbing the natural behavior of the animals. It is all about learning and enjoying nature and wildlife.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace

Nature conservation and animal protection can go hand in hand with enjoying wildlife. The cooperation between SWAROVSKI OPTIK and the Jane Goodall Institute proves this once more.

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